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Public Engagement

Please use the links above to view the presentation, see "What We Heard" from workshop participants, or take a brief Visual Preferences Survey if you were unable to attend. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments at

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Design Principles Workshop - APRIL 2024

Thank you to the 70+ participants who joined us at the Design Principles Workshop for the opportunity to learn about and comment on the market and site analysis of the former St. Luke’s campus conducted by the planning consultants. We also discussed design approaches and models that might be helpful for guiding reuse.  Workshop participants provided feedback that will help the team move forward and explore design alternatives for the site.  You can review the presentation and input from this second public workshop below. 

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Community Visioning Workshop - FEBRUARY 2024

Thank you to the 75+ participants who joined us at the first Reimagine St. Luke's Community Visioning Workshop to learn about the project and share their ideas for potential uses for the former St. Luke's Hospital campus. 




Please use the links above to view the presentation, see "What We Heard" from workshop participants, or take a brief Vision Survey if you were unable to attend. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments at

In addition to what we've heard at the three public workshops, we continue to hear from people on the Reimagine St. Luke's project through the project website and gmail, our presence at community events such as the Healthy for Good Expo, conservations, and the online surveys. We are recording and taking note of all the ideas and comments received from you! Please use the links to the right to access public input received to date. Click on any of the images to make them larger.


Please continue to share your thoughts through the website or email us at


Ongoing Public Input - 2024
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Neighborhood Design Ideas Workshop - JUNE 2024

Thank you to the 50+ participants who joined us at the Neighborhood Design Ideas Workshop for the opportunity to collaborate on conceptual site design ideas for the former St. Luke’s campus. Workshop participants provided hands on feedback and ideas that will help the team move forward and generate design alternatives for the site.  You can review the presentation and input from this third public workshop below. 

Please use the links above to view the presentation or see "What We Heard" from workshop participants, or take a brief Visual Preferences Survey. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments at

"How can we reach community members and hear their voices?"

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